Are you working for free and taking on clients you'll later regret?
Learn a proven system for reviewing clients' books AND getting paid for it!
You're not sure if the previous bookkeeper made mistakes or just how bad they might be.
You know you need to review everything but you're not sure where to start.
You don't want to miss anything (who needs surprises later on?) but you don't want to spend hours on a review that may not even result in a new client.
Every review feels like you're starting from scratch and reinventing the wheel.
The QBO Paid Diagnostic Review System:
Shows you where to start and what to look for so you don't miss anything
Gives you the EXACT diagnostic workflows we use at VM Wasek
Lets you get PAID for reviews so your time is never wasted, even if you don't sign the client
Gives you a simple, reliable way to engage with new prospects
Increases your chances of turning prospects into recurring clients
If your goal is to start or grow a virtual bookkeeping firm or add bookkeeping to your accounting practice, then we're a perfect fit.
If you want a simple, streamlined way to review new clients' books so you know what to expect and what to charge, this system has what you're looking for.
If you're afraid to take on new clients because you don't want to step into a mess, or you're currently wasting a lot of time doing reviews for free, this system will help you.
0-1 Welcome
0-2 Getting the most out of this course
0-3 Copyright and information about the course resources and forms provided - please read
The 5MB Academy for virtual bookkeepers and accountants (and 10% discount code)
1-Introduction by Veronica Wasek
1-0 Lesson 1 - PDF of video lessons
1-1 Lesson Outline and Goals
1-2 The Diagnostic review - what is it and why is it valuable?
1-3 Pricing a diagnostic review
1-4 Naming your service
1-4A Using ChatGPT for brainstorming service name ideas
1-5 The selling process
1-6 When is a client really a client?
1-7 Diagnostic review workflow - basics
1-8 Action plan
1-9 Resources: Diagnostic Review sales conversation script
1-10 Resources: Diagnostic Review - sample engagement letter (downloadable)
1-11 Resources: Items needed to perform the diagnostic review
1-12 Resources: QBO Diagnostic Review - Workflow basics
1-13 Suggested pricing for the diagnostic review
2-Introduction by Veronica Wasek
2-1 Video: walk-thru the diagnostic review checklist
2-2 Resource: Diagnostic review checklist - Template
3-Introduction by Veronica Wasek
3-1 What we'll cover in Lesson 3
3-1A Updates to QBO
3-2 Diagnostic review demo - Company info and tax return reconciliation
3-3 Diagnostic review demo - Banking part 1
3-4 Diagnostic review demo - Banking part 2
3-5 Diagnostic review demo - Undeposited Funds
3-6 Diagnostic review demo - Profit & Loss - Income
3-7 Diagnostic review demo - Profit & Loss - Cost of Goods Sold
3-8 Diagnostic review demo - Profit & Loss - Expenses
3-9 Diagnostic review demo - Profit & Loss - Other Income/Other Expense/Class Tracking/Unapplied Cash Payments
3-10 Diagnostic review demo - Balance Sheet - Assets
3-11A Diagnostic review demo - Balance Sheet - Liabilities part 1
3-11B Diagnostic review demo - Balance Sheet - Liabilities part 2
3-12 Diagnostic review demo - Balance Sheet - Equity
3-13 Diagnostic review demo - A/R and A/P - Cash basis
3-14 Diagnostic review demo - Balance Sheet Findings and Recommendations
3-15 Diagnostic review demo - A/R and A/P aging reports
3-16 Diagnostic review demo - Chart of Accounts / Products & Services List
3-17 Diagnostic review demo - Payroll
3-18 Diagnostic review demo - Inventory
3-19 Diagnostic review demo - Sales Tax
3-20 Action plan
3-21 Resource: Completed Diagnostic Review Checklist for Modern Global
4-Introduction by Veronica Wasek
4-1 Before finalizing / strategies for preparing the report / going over the report with the client
4-2 Report of findings and recommendations - walk-thru
4-3 Resource: Completed report of findings and recommendations - Modern Global
4-4 Report of findings and recommendations - Template
5-Introduction by Veronica Wasek
5-1 Identifying the source of problems
5-2 QuickBooks Online Diagnosis Chart - walk-thru
5-3 Resource: Comprehensive QuickBooks Online Diagnosis Chart
Whether you choose the one-payment plan or the 3-payment plan, when you sign up you get immediate access to all lessons and you can do the lessons at your own pace.
You have lifetime access to the course and all the material, so there's no need to worry if you need to take it slowly.
This course doesn't teach the basics of bookkeeping or how to use QuickBooks Online. You should have a good understanding of both before starting this training. If you're new to bookkeeping, please feel free to check out my other bookkeeping resources and come back to this course when you're ready.
This program is a good fit for those who want to grow their bookkeeping business, take a brick & mortar business virtual, or transition out of a bookkeeper or accountant 9-5 and become your own boss. If you're ready to invest in yourself and create the virtual firm of your dreams, this course is for you.
Due to the massive value and resources provided in this course, we do not provide a money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with this course, contact us in the first 30 days and we will discuss your specific circumstances and agree upon a mutually beneficial resolution.
We have students in QBO Paid Diagnostic Review System from all over the world. Some of the content is specific to US accounting rules and to the US version of QBO, however, that is pointed out during the lessons.
With the both plans, you get instant access to all course lessons upon registration.
You will receive instant access to all lessons
One payment
Pay over 3 months